JJ's Plan to Expand

JJ's Plan to Expand

Over time, JJ's game plan to expand the philanthropy is to involve more workshops, writers, creators, and events around the Tri-Cities that inspire creative and technological development. JJ's philanthropy supports mundane enchantment, first-principles thinking, and independence.

JJ is a hands-on, crafty approach to philanthropy and small business. Over time — the network should include local artists, programmers, scientists, engineers, creators, and laborers of most kinds to facilitate service projects, educational and creative workshops, and other resources and opportunities. There are groups around the Tri-Cities already facilitating similar projects, like Create Appalachia, where you can rent an office or desk for your small business or take an art class.

JJ's spiritual basis is more grounded in philosophy than religioun, but religion and spirituality are important in philosophy. JJ is open-minded and supports both religious and nonreligious wellness, secularism, and agnosticism. People may not know how secularism and the concept "separation of church and state," equally defends Christians from being oppressively encroached by atheist governance or nonbelievers, just as it protects atheists from being forced to attend church service or worship a particular deity.

Jangled Jester's draw on the fool archetype symbolizes how foolish humanity can be, but how this drives us into curiosity and discovery. Instead of hating ignorance, we can make use of it and see it as opportunity for learning and understanding new things or encountering gnosis. The jester is inspired by Albert Camus' philosophy of absurdity, a concept that life lacks an overarching or fundamental and divine purpose, but that people may make meaning themselves and enjoy the "dizzying crest of uncertainty" anyways that Camus calls "the absurd," where big existential questions like God's existence or the meaning of life are unsolvable.

Jangled Jester is an art and science-based archive that values the wonders of mundane enchantment. It's an emphasis on slow crafts matched with technological acceleration, and the daily importance of "form" and "function" in creating meaning, sense, and work. JJ's concept of magick is physicalist, agnostic, and measurable. It is resourceful, accessible, and applicable either religiously or nonreligiously.

New Member

Jangled Jester is excited to announce its newest member, Ashley! Ashley is the eldest sister of JJ's creator, here, Rebecca. Ashley is a full-time nurse practitioner and is assisting Jangled Jester part-time in craft production, marketing, social media, and photography. She is a photographer, photography student, and is building her portfolio independently. She's also hilarious to follow on TikTok! Ashley's an excellent and trusted health care professional serving the Appalachian region, shutterbug, mom of two, and now officially a Jangled Jester. Thanks for being part of the family, Ash!



Where can we meet?

It's very important that people feel supported by Jangled Jester and uplifted to be interested, successful, and satisfied in life. That normally requires networking in ways that promote health, opportunity, service, and entertainment. JJ wants to be more present in Tri-Cities communities and impacting locals in a more meaningful way.


Vending and Art Events

JJ is open to vending at any local art show, market, or vending event that allows us. We're focused on providing standout candles, stationary, and philosophy books. 


Bars and Restaurants

There are plenty of lounges, cafes, and spacious restaurants to meet for food, drinks, and conversation. Be it a book club, philosophy debate, or meeting to design a service project to fulfill a local need — there's plenty of charming spots around the Tri-Cities:



Music Shows

Sometimes, local music events will allow vendors to participate. Likewise, music is a major part of JJ's art interest. There could be potential for JJ to invest in local music production, recording, and performance. The Tri-Cities is packed to the brim with venues where local musicians can play a set. This area has a massive capacity for musical growth.


Magic Shows

If vendors are allowed, what better place to talk about agnostic enchantment and science magic? There are physics about illusions, math in perfectly-timed tricks, and tons of science about excellent magic performance. This relates to...


Science and Career Events

If events allow vendors or presenters, JJ is ready and willing to talk about mundane enchantment, science magic, customer service, and small business needs. A working life can be repetitive, exhausting, and full of failure, but JJ is dead-set on exploring the necessity and value of innovative labor and training our minds to be happy in service and finding or creating careers that suit unique needs and talents.



Any kind of fair or festival that allows vendors like JJ. Beer and wine festivals, cook-offs, car shows, bridal events, holiday events, food shows, floral shows, and more. Jangled Jester is willing to attend them all!



You don't need to be enrolled in a university to learn about a subject or trade. Jangled Jester workshops will expand over time to explore mechanical interests, programming, philosophy, entrepreneurship and leadership, art, and science. If Jangled Jester becomes enough of a success, it's possible to hire a team to direct a brick and mortar location, eventually invest in accelerated machinery, and potentially serve the community on a bigger scale with craft and software production.



Have an idea for networking with Jangled Jester in the Tri-Cities?

If you are local to the Tri-Cities region in Appalachia, feel free to reach out to support@jangledjester.com or fill out a support form at the bottom of the home page here. JJ is most interested in collaborating with people who take work initiative. If you'd like a reference list for event-planning, please visit: https://jangledjester.com/blogs/featured/connecting-with-local-agnostics-and-atheists

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