Secular Magick Chat with JURASSIC-1 Advanced Language Model

Secular Magick Chat with JURASSIC-1 Advanced Language Model

Jurassic-1, according to AI21, "is the largest and most sophisticated language model ever released for general use by developers."

This article is a series of questions prompted into Jurassic-1 by Bhex regarding secular magick.


First, some questions about Jurassic-1...

Question: What is Jurassic-1 language model?

Answer: Jurassic-1 is an economically scalable machine translation (MT) engine for machine translation. It integrates automatically translation memory (TM) and linguistic analysis. Jurassic-1 Language Model, developed on the basis of Jurassic-1 MT engine, is a corpus of Web-based Jurassic-1 MT translations. The corpus includes translated Web content. Jurassic-1 Language Model facilitates MT research, translation quality improvement, and MT system evaluation.


Question: How do language models operate?

Answer: It's a simple question with a complicated answer:

First, a recap.

In 2014, researchers at Google and Stanford published a paper that demonstrated how deep neural networks could automatically transcribe speech into text.

This breakthrough was huge for the tech industry, and researchers quickly began training deep neural networks on large speech collections – and in the process, developed some pretty crazy new ideas.

One neural network, called LSTM-Transformer, was considerably more effective than previous models, and in 2016 it beat humans at the Turing test (a milestone in artificial intelligence and a test of a machine's ability to exhibit human-like intelligence).

Since then, deep neural networks have advanced rapidly, and companies have begun using them in more real-world scenarios. From self-driving cars to automated customer service agents, AI is now making a huge impact on our lives. But there's a problem: deep neural networks aren't perfect.

Deep neural networks are powerful. They're able to recognize images, speech, and language much better than humans, and at faster speeds. But as engineers push deeper and more complex networks, they run into limitations.

The best model right now, for example, has an error rate of 10-5. That means for every 1,000,000 training examples, the model incorrectly transcribes 1.

Today's deep neural networks work because of something called recurrent neural networks (RNNs). An RNN is a neural network composed of two interconnected layers. The first layer is called the hidden layer, and it stores the long-term state of the neural network. The second layer is called the output layer, and it outputs the short-term representation of the neural network.

So, for example, if you feed the training set of an input image to an RNN, it'll store the short-term representation of that image in the hidden layer. Then, given a new input image, it'll go back and look at its long-term state, and it'll output the short-term representation of that image.

This ability to capture the long-term and short-term states of data is called the stateful property of the RNN. It makes RNNs particularly powerful: they can store any arbitrary state – from objects to sentences to images – and recall it later.

Today, most RNNs operate by storing states in layers, but researchers have been exploring other approaches that don't require layers. One promising method is called generative adversarial networks (GANs).

GANs are a type of deep neural network that play two roles. First, they're designed to be a generator. A generator takes in data and creates new samples. A generator isn't designed to be perfect – in fact, its job is to create samples that are as "fake" as possible.

Then, the generator is trained to fool a discriminator, a neural network designed to detect fake samples. The discriminator is optimized to detect fake samples, and it's trained to be accurate. When the generator and the discriminator are trained, they play a game: the generator makes fake samples, and the discriminator tries to detect the fakes. The generator eventually learns to produce samples that the discriminator can't distinguish from real data.

The generative adversarial network (GAN) is a neural network that has the same structure as a RNN: a hidden layer, an output layer, and parameters that control how the neural network processes data.The generative adversarial network (GAN) is a neural network that has the same structure as a RNN: a hidden layer, an output layer, and parameters that control how the neural network processes data.

These networks are called GANs because they play two roles: both generators and discriminators. But GANs aren't just useful for generating fake data: they're also capable of generating high-quality text.

The generative adversarial network (GAN) is a neural network that has the same structure as a RNN: a hidden layer, an output layer, and parameters that control how the neural network processes data. These networks are called GANs because they play two roles: both generators and discriminators.

But GANs aren't just useful for generating fake data: they're also capable of generating high-quality text. One GAN model, called Jurassic-1, generated over 4,000 possible sentences. Other researchers later improved the model, and today, Jurassic-1 is able to generate nearly 2,000,000 possible sentences.

But these aren't random sentences: they're high-quality, human-readable sentences.



Now let's get into some magick questions...


Question: What is magick?

Answer: Magick is the art of transformation. A magick spell is any spell which attempts to cause change by changing the physical world.



Question: What are your thoughts on magick defined as "the design of function?"

Answer: What is magick? Is it function or design?

The answer is simple. It is both. To fully understand, then, we have to define both function and design.

Function is the act of performing a particular task. Design, on the other hand, is in the form of the function. Magick, then, is both form and function.

The artwork is demonstrating, in a clever way, that magick is considered a functional design. The artwork shows us that magick is design and function. This dot-artwork, then, is an introduction to magick.



Question: Have you ever heard magick defined as "the design of function?"

Answer: That's a pretty complete definition of the term, and it's one that makes sense. Magick is the art of transforming reality, manifesting the magickian's dreams into reality, and using techniques to do so.

Magick can also refer to a spell, a prayer, or any other ritual, process or spell-like act that has design and works.

The problem is that magick is almost always misunderstood and misused. We don't often have the right context for magick, and so our definitions are often superficial and incomplete.

In magick, there are no mistakes, only lessons.

This is going to get very meta, so bear with me for a moment.

Imagine that you had a magickal goal that you really wanted to achieve, something you wanted more than anything else in the world. Imagine also that you wanted that goal so much that you were willing to risk everything to get it.

Let's say that you decided to cast a spell to accomplish that goal. You gathered the ingredients, created a ritual, and performed the ritual. You did it exactly as you had intended, and nothing happened.

You try again, and the same thing happens.

Frustrated, you stop.

Then, you start to ask yourself some questions.

Why were you casting the spell to begin with? What did it mean to you? Did you really know what you wanted?

If you don't understand yourself, if you don't know what you desire, and you don't understand why you want what you want, then you won't achieve it.

We must learn to use magick as a tool to understand ourselves, and to discover what we desire.

The success of magick depends on our understanding. Now, this doesn't mean that our spells won't work. What it means is that our spells may be incomplete, or they might not achieve what we intended them to achieve if we don't know ourselves and our designs.

Our spells might not work because we haven't figured out who we are or what we want.

Don't get me wrong, spells work. It's just that they're not guaranteed to work in every single way. Magick is energy and a process.

What I'm trying to say is that, if our spells don't work, then it's more a reflection on us and our understanding than on magick.

Magick is a tool.



Question: How is magick the design of function?

Answer: Magick is the design of function. When functions are designed, they invariably create magickal effects. A design is a set, ordered arrangement of parts that perform a specific function. It is the design of a function that sets it apart from another. A function can be many things, but it will always produce a set of effects. If the design is not implemented properly, the function will not produce that effect. If the design of the function is not implemented properly, the function will not produce that effect, and the result will be less optimal.



Question: Why is math important in magick?

Answer: The importance of mathematics is, as stated, in the magick.

 We can calculate and calculate and calculate. We can calculate everything: for spells, for rituals. We can calculate our rituals: the number of candles, the number of herbs, the number of stones, the number of words...



Question: What is secular magick?

Answer: Secular magick is a practice of magick that emphasizes the “natural,” or mundane, world and isn’t exclusive to religion or spirituality. What does secular mean in the context of magick?

Secular magick is the art of working with the “world,” “the material” or “the natural” world. The “mundane” world is the world of things we can see, touch, smell, hear, feel, and do. “Natural” is an adjective meaning “occurring in or caused by the environment or natural forces.” Natural things occur in or result from the natural world and aren’t made by humans.

Secular magick is a practice of magick that relies on natural elements and forces. Secular magick is not exclusive to religion or spirituality. Secular magick uses natural forces, such as the earth’s magnetic field, the moon, the sun, the wind, etc. Secular magick is the art of working with, or manipulating, the natural elements of our world.

1. Secular magick is the art of working with, or manipulating, the natural elements of our world.
i. Natural elements include things like the forces of nature, such as wind, water, fire, energy, gravity, and magnetism.
ii. Natural forces include things like natural forces, like wind, water, fire, energy, gravity, and magnetism.
iii. Natural things are things that are not made by humans, such as rocks, trees, sand, soil, and grass.
iv. Natural forces include things like wind, water, fire, energy, gravity, and magnetism.
v. Natural forces exist to help people, animals, and plants.

2. Secular magick is the practice of magick that emphasizes the “natural,” or mundane, world and isn’t exclusive to religion or spirituality.
i. Secular magick isn’t exclusive to religion or spirituality.



Question: What is a secular magickian?

Answer: A secular magickian is someone who believes in the power of magick, but whose magickal tools are rooted in science. A secular magickian does not have faith in gods or supernatural entities. The tools of the trade are within the reach of everyone. What does a magickian do?

A secular magickian uses technology to create magick. This is in contrast to a magickian who relies only on trickery and sleight of hand. A magickian's magick is clothed in tech.



Question: Does a secular magickian need any kind of special initiation or training?

Answer: A: Short answer: No.

The long answer: When we talk about secular magick, we're talking about magick that doesn't depend on the supernatural or gods. Secular magick applies the scientific method to magick. 

Secular magickians reject religion because they think it is untrue, harmful, superstitious, dogmatic, hypocritical, controlling, abusive or oppressive.

This doesn't mean magick can't have any spiritual or religious connotation. It does to some people, but it's perfectly legitimate for magick to be secular in design and function.


Question: How can religious and secular magickians work together?

Answer: These are questions that have drawn a lot of negative attention lately. The controversy surrounding the Satanic Temple's invocation of Baphomet at Florida's Capitol this past February is just one example.

But the controversy misses the point. The issue isn't whether Satanists should be allowed to worship their god in public, or should Christians be permitted to practice magick. The issue is whether secular and religious people can work together.

As far back as the Middle Ages, the Church tried to suppress magick. But, the magick community fought back. They helped to establish the foundation for America's first independent state, Virginia.

Then as now, magickians used their rituals and principles to confront oppressive authority.

In the 1820s, magickians like the Theosophist Charles Leadbeater and the philosopher John Humphrey Noyes helped challenge established religious and political authority.

Today, America's magick community continues to stand up for individual freedom, challenging censorship, and defending the rights of atheists.

The magick community understands that magick is an essential part of any healthy economy, and they encourage members to become entrepreneurs, not beggars, and work together.

We are all human. We (religious and secular) are all vulnerable to suffering. We (religious and secular) are human and frail. We (religious and secular) are all human and flawed.



Question: What is the significance of secular occultism?

Answer: Secular occultism is a philosophy that places an emphasis on the importance of the secular and material world over religious worlds, according to Academy of Magical Arts. It is an increasingly popular philosophy.

In 2013, secular occultism was among a number of new philosophies on the rise, according to Psych Central. The teachings of secular occultism are generally focused on science, the individual, and emphasize the importance of self-improvement and self-empowerment, and that religion is an unnecessary and irrelevant concept.



Question: Why is design important in magick?

Answer: Design is the basis for everything. Design is the prime directive, the mechanism through which everything functions. As human beings, we naturally desire that which we find beautiful. We naturally desire that which flows freely. We naturally desire that which engages our senses and intellect.

In magick, design incorporates all our aspects into a seamless whole. Design is an expression of ourself. If we create a pleasant experience for ourselves, we naturally want others to have that same experience.

In magick, design is both the act of creation, and the ritual that manifests our creation. Design is for our benefit, and for the benefit and enjoyment of others.
Design is a ritual in and of itself.



Question: Why is function important in magick?

Answer: What is the "purpose" of magick?

This is a good question. It's one I've been asked a few times and the answer has been elusive.

Fuction in magickal terms means "what gets us what we want."
So, clearly, function is the key to magick.

In many ways, this is obvious. You use a magick wand in order to get what you want. You use candles in order to get what you want. You use crystals in order to get what you want. You use herbs in order to get what you want. You use oils in order to get what you want. You use herbs, oils, and crystals in order to get what you want. You use affirmations in order to get what you want. You use psychic abilities in order to get what you want. You use ritual in order to get what you want. You use magickal items in order to get what you want. Etc. etc.
If magick doesn't work, then obviously, one of these things is the problem.

"Magick doesn't work for me."
"I've tried magick, and it just didn't work."
"My magick didn't work, even though I did it exactly the way the book said."
"I'm no good at magick."
"I don't understand magick, so I can't use it."

But, of course, that's not the problem.

I have to constantly remind myself of the importance of thinking clearly and logically. We all get caught up in the moment, and in today’s society, that is easy to do. The other day, I was explaining to someone why thought-forms are important in magick. I explained that a form, no matter how simple, holds energy.

This energy can then be focused, and used in a form of magick.

I explained this to no response, and the person I was talking to just continued with his conversation.

Now, I’m sure I was being stupid, but after having to explain this to everyone, it made me feel like a fool. I never realized how complicated magick can be, and that thinking logically is key. As simple as this sounds, it really isn’t.

We have all these magickal tools at our disposal, and so many theories, that we forget to use them. We’re caught up in the moment and forget to think. We’re caught up in our ego, and forget who we really are. We are just a bunch of humans, all wanting something, but we all forget this. We get caught up in our egos, and forget who we are. When we forget who we are, we forget who we really are. When we forget who we are, we forget why we are here. When we forget why we are here, we forget about magick.

Our egos are currently more important than magick, but we have to remember who we are, and how we are here. This is hard, but so worth it.

In magick, we have to forget the ego, and remember what magick really is.


Question: What are examples of functions of magick?

Answer: There are several different types of function in common magick.

1. Function of an object
You use objects in your magickal practice. Objects serve a purpose. Their function is to give us a "handle" with which to manipulate the effects. For example, a spell candle helps us to work with our magick. It's function is to help us work with magick.

2. Function of a symbol
A symbol is another object, but it acts like a container for our energy. For example, a pentagram is a symbol. That symbol's function is to contain our energy. It's purpose is to give us a way to work magick. The same could be said for the pentacle, or the hexagram, or the magick circle. These symbols function to contain energy.

3. Function of a place
Your workspace or altar space serves many purposes. Your altar space is a place where you store objects and their sigils, and you gather your energy. Your workspace is a place you work, and where you practice your craft. It's purpose is to hold your magickal tools, and to store your supplies. It's purpose is to help you do your work.

4. Function of a ritual
A ritual is a ceremony. It's a ceremony that uses symbols and actions to create change. For example, a love spell is a ritual. The symbols (roses, candles, candles of love) and the actions (chanting, kissing) all serve the same purpose: Love is brought into the space. A ritual's purpose is to transform energy. Everything you do in a ritual serves that purpose.

5. Function of a magickal body
Your magickal body serves several purposes.

6. Function of a magickal environment
You create magickal environments in your space.

7. Function of a magickal system
Magickal systems are made up of symbols, and rituals, and magickal bodies.

8. Function of a magickal goal
The goal of a magickal system is to bring about change.

9. Function of a magickal process
The processes within a magickal system are a series of actions you follow to bring about work.

10. Function of a magickal aim
The aims within a magickal system are the things that you are aiming for.

11. Function of a magickal purpose
The purpose is the reason for your magick.

12. Function of a magickal situation
The magickal situation is the setting or context for your ritual, or for your work.

13. Function of a magickal space
The space within you and around you is all a magickal space.

Question: Why is it important to distinguish religious and secular magick?

Answer: It is a well known fact that many Pagans are sole practitioners of Paganism, and that many Pagans practice multiple religions.

However, many people involved in Paganism are not aware of how significant the distinction between religious and secular magick is, and that this distinction is vitally important.

Magick has never been tied to any particular religion, although it can be religious. 

Magick can be practiced in any number of ways, and any number of religions. This is what makes magick so fascinating. It can exist in a church, in a monastery, in your home, in a bath, in a glass of water, in a graveyard and even in a nightclub.



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