Guidelines for Agnostic Prayer

Guidelines for Agnostic Prayer

Crafting an agnostic prayer system isn't about following a set of rules. Consider this a roadmap, not a rulebook, for taking an unexplored voyage through your awareness, based on curiosity, inventiveness, and layers of the mind that often go unnoticed.

Consider consciousness as a complex process with multiple layers of unconscious activity interlinked, as opposed to viewing everything fundamentally conscious (panpsychism). Parts of our bodies and thoughts function without our conscious awareness. Prayer, in essence, is an internal dialogue—a reflection of our capacity for self-reasoning, similar to Socratic reasoning.

It's fine if you don't want to ascribe your ideas to gods, angels, or deceased loved ones. Consider this alternative: instead of interacting with external, telepathic creatures, think of prayer as a conversation with your body's memories, desires, and potential.

Agnostic prayer seeks reflection, comprehension, and opportunities to shape oneself. It entails investigating variables within your control as well as those without it, with the goal of forming states of being that you find enchanting and sustainable. It is an adventure for your own self-preservation, self-discipline, and self-design.

Start by observing and categorizing your thoughts. Why do some thoughts feel detached, as if they originate from a realm surpassing your immediate understanding? How do you continually store memories without actively recalling them all at once?

Some neuroscientists like Dr. John Bargh suggest that the brain contains unconscious layers that store data without actively reasoning it. To make sense of this data, the conscious parts of the brain must access and reinterpret it. Accessing a memory retrieves a copy or simulation of the original experience; it isn't the experience itself.

Parts of your thoughts appear to emerge from outside sources, similar to receiving a message from an external or "other" entity. Consider how you feel when this happens. What is being communicated? Why do some concepts pain you while others appear profoundly divine? Are you agnostic enough to wonder if it's always been a dialog with yourself, and what isn't?

Agnostic prayer is a voyage into the unknown realms of your own mind. Fearlessly embrace the unknown about yourself. If you aren't afraid to face your own mystery and even your evil, this is an opportunity to strengthen lucidity, first principles understanding, and develop a sound ethics. Authenticity is an essential step in developing your ethical framework. Agnostic prayer, listening to, and dialoguing with yourself continuously and insightfully will help you develop a life of progresses and remarkable change. The mind's puzzle pieces together a constant discourse with itself—endless possibilities awaiting our exploration.


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