Finding Magickal Purpose in Anatomy

Finding Magickal Purpose in Anatomy

After a mineral soak in Hot Springs, North Carolina, my great aunt, sister and I were traveling back home for brunch in East TN while discussing the contrast of religiosity and nonreligosity.

"I can't accept there's no purpose in life," my sister responded to my absurd take on agnosticism.

"What is purpose?" I asked.

Scientifically, purpose is functionality.

Jangled Jester places an emphasis on scientific magick. Put simply, magick is the relationship between form and function. Those are the binary, primary ingredients of substance and purpose.

Magick = Design + Operation

Walt Whitman's "Leaves of Grass" interprets the whole of the human body as the spirit. Body is soul. Every cell, tissue, organ, and system has a purpose. 

Consider the purpose of breathing. 

As mundane as breathing is, our respiratory system is a magick gas chamber transfering and transforming energy.

ChatGPT helped expand this:
"In a mysterious, respiratory factory is a mighty larynx, a vocal conductor, orchestrating speech and song. There is the industrious diaphragm, a rhythmic architect, conducting the dance of breath. There are sinuses — the climate artisans —  artfully conditioning air. In alchemical transmutation, oxygen is distilled from wind and woven into lifeblood, while carbon dioxide, a celestial byproduct, departs into cosmic exhalation. This theater of respiration, sustaining life energy, propels a grand saga, alive, in human existence, where every breath whispers a new turn in the whimsical tale of the human spirit."



Exercise: Identifying Anatomical Purpose Through Design and Function 


Choose an anatomical structure or organ to study. This can be any organ or system in the human body, such as the heart, lungs, brain, digestive system, and so on.

External Characteristics:

Examine and explain the exterior aspects of the particular anatomical structure. Take note of its size, form, color, and any obvious external markers.
Internal Structure:

If feasible, get or refer to visual representations (such as schematics or medical pictures) of the internal structure of the chosen organ. Examine the structure's many components and layers.

Functional Evaluation:

Investigate and describe the primary functions of the anatomical structure. Consider the role it plays in physiological processes such as circulation, breathing, digestion, and so on.

Design and Modifications:

Analyze the anatomical structure's design and adaptability. Consider how its design, size, and internal organization are optimized to effectively accomplish its specialized functions.

Anatomy in Comparison:

If appropriate, compare the specified anatomical structure to similar structures in other organisms. Discuss any differences in design and function, as well as their evolutionary importance.

Interactions with Other Structures:

Examine how the selected anatomical structure interacts with and links to other organs or systems in the body. Discuss how different anatomical components work together to attain overall physiological goals.

Implications for Pathology:

Examine how defects or disorders related to the anatomical structure of choice can affect its function. Consider how structural differences can result in functional deficiencies or disease.

Evaluating Efficiency:

Consider how effective the anatomical structure is at fulfilling its function. Analyze any design trade-offs or compromises that may exist.


Functional Importance:

Discuss the broader significance of the chosen anatomical structure in the organism's overall health and well-being. Consider how its role contributes to the species' survival and adaptability.

This exercise promotes critical thinking and comprehension of anatomical structures, as well as the importance of design and functional relevance. It prompts readers to seek a better knowledge of the complexity and artistry of the human body's natural design, and empower your own innate purpose through physiological processes.



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