Astronomy Guide for Newbies

Astronomy Guide for Newbies

If you're a beginner looking to explore the wonders of the night sky, astronomy is the perfect field to dive into. You can confidently learn all the basics on stars and planets with these free resources to help you along. Learning about the universe and its mysteries is a humbling reminder of the vastness of our existence, and it can offer tremendous insights into our place in the cosmos. Astronomy is an adventure of the mind and soul, a way to connect with the universe and discover its hidden secrets.





Free Video Lectures

Spookywood's Astronomy YouTube Playlist











Interactive Apps


SkyView Stargazing




Light Pollution Map




Free Online Classes

Mariana Vieira's Tips for Learning from Home





Affordable Telescopes

Celestron AstroMaster $90 (★★★★)



Celestron Travelscope $93 (★★★★)



Celestron Powerseeker $70 (★★★★)

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